Электронные книги > Bench Chisels (Rob Cosman)

Bench Chisels (Rob Cosman)

12 апреля 2012. Разместил: bjmpro
Bench Chisels (Rob Cosman)

Bench Chisels (Rob Cosman)
English | DivX | 1500 kbps | 640x480 | MP3 192 kbps | 55 min. | 600 MB
This will probably be one of the most beneficial hours you have spent learning woodwork. Chisels are such a fundamental and useful tool and yet when not properly sharpened they are useless and dangerous. Rob covers all the important stuff, from knowing what to buy, how to prepare the back, how to properly grind the bevel and how to hone to sharp in under 20 seconds. There are working tips on marking gauges, mallets and alternative sharpening stones. It is all here, come learn from the best!

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http://extabit.com/file/27b65c6kh2r7v/Bench Chisels (Rob Cosman).part1.rar
http://extabit.com/file/27b65c67683x7/Bench Chisels (Rob Cosman).part2.rar

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http://depositfiles.com/files/iu6gdtl06   Bench Chisels (Rob Cosman).part1.rar
http://depositfiles.com/files/ldjw5mlx5   Bench Chisels (Rob Cosman).part2.rar